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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trusting & Following Your Instinct (Friendster, September 08, 2007 )

Have you ever been in a situation when you felt something was wrong and you had to trust and follow your instinct? On the other hand, you sometimes ignore the feeling and just do it / go for it.

Hmmm, I wonder what the percentage of that: between following your instinct and ignoring it.

Sometimes I ignore my instinct too, and as the result, I get negative impacts. It wasn't what I wanted or expected to happen. I doubted my instinct, where actually our body naturally will have an alert system when we are in bad or dangerous situation, even our logical thinking supports it. But noooooooooo....I just ignored those signals. Stupid, huh?

Tell me, tell me about your experience of trusting your instinct and ignoring it.

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